WMES Education Continuity Plans

Dear West Meadow Families,
Please find a transcript of a message that was recorded and put on our Facebook feed this morning.
As we come to a close on this week, it is unreal to look back and reflect on what has transpired over the past five days. We all have been challenged with many unprecedented things in our personal and professional lives. At WMES, we have felt those challenges and struggled with the realities of not having our students in front of us. We feel the loss, and crave the meaningful connection that we had every day together. While we are facing uncertain times ahead, we are confident that we will meet these challenges with all of the commitment, passion and care that you have come to know about our staff.
Learning will be different. Connection will be different. We will be learning alongside our students, taking risks in doing things we have never done. Stumbling and succeeding together. But please know, we will succeed together.
We know you will have many questions as we navigate into this uncharted territory. We too have many questions. And while we don’t have all the answers, and things seem to shift around us daily, we are committed to work together to help everyone succeed.
Here are some things we can share as of this morning:
- All students will move on to their assigned grade next year. We will be aware of learning gaps that may exist, and we will work diligently to close those gaps. We can take comfort in realizing this is the same for all students in our school, our province and even our country.
- Teacher directed learning activities will begin on Wednesday March 25th. Provincially we are mandated to plan for programming approximately 5 hours/week towards targeted essential literacy and numeracy outcomes. You can expect an email from your classroom teacher on the 25th with more information. After next week, families can expect learning/programming for the week to be available on Mondays. This can be done at your convenience through the week, allowing the greatest flexibility for each family individually.
- Communication between teachers and parents/students will initially happen through email. It is important to know that teachers will be available during normal school hours and when sending communication we will strive to answer within these times. I am certain you can expect an answer within 24 hours. As we work on other ways of delivering curriculum, this may adapt and change
- While we are still working on the “how” of delivering all our learning opportunities, we are aware of the technology requirements that exist. In our conversations with families, many have either iPads, tablets or laptops and are able to take the next steps. We also know that some families have no devices. For families with internet access but none of these specific devices at home, we have a lending program in place. Please contact Mr. Latta at the school to find out more.
- Our PrideCast will continue next week. We are excited about this way to connect and attempt to bring fun into the online learning environment. We will be hoping to do broadcasts Monday - Thursday.
- We are also going to launch PrideRock. Another new idea that we are playing with. Basically we are looking at broadcasting on Facebook Live and reading a novel. We are still deciding on our books and how to proceed. We do know that these broadcasts will also be recorded so students can listen if they aren’t available for the live streams.
Other questions will undoubtedly come up over the next few days and weeks. We will work to communicate and answer as much as we possibly can. If you have anything you wish to discuss, please call us at the school. As we have learned over the past week, circumstances can change daily. We thank-you for your ongoing patience, and appreciate your kind words and support over the past week. We wish you the best now and in the future. Stay Strong! Stay Safe!