WMES Children's Choir

WMES Choir
For: Grades 2 - 6
When: Most Every Thursday 3:30 - 4:30
Starting: Thursday September 14
Ending: April 2023
Conductors: Mr. Latta & Friends
Accompanist: Mrs. Natalie Toone
Performances: WMES Remembrance Day Assembly Nov 10
(that we know) WMES Christmas Concert Dec 21
Lethbridge Kiwanis Music Festival Mar/Apr
Choir Spring Concert April 22
We are excited to start up our award winning choir again for the new school year. This will be our 4th year in operation. We practice every Thursday afterschool in our common area and are looking for singers who are dedicated to continue to build our great vocal program in our school.
Note: Regular attendance is important, and although we know people occasionally miss, we do require a minimum amount of attendance to perform in concerts. (We need our singers to know the songs). Parents can pick their child up at the front doors at 4:30.
Sign up / permission slips are in the office. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Latta at the school!