Assessment, Reporting and using SeeSaw at WMES

West Meadow school values our ongoing relationship with families in partnering to
provide a meaningful educational experience for all our students. In the past few
years, we have run a pilot program using Freshgrade as digital learning portfolios with
ongoing assessment, feedback and communication between parents, teachers and
students. We have heard from many parents that they have felt more connected to
their child’s learning than in the past using the traditional report card delivered 3 times
a year. In addition to parent feedback, the uncertainty around the future with
assessment and reporting during CoVid times, has helped us decide to move forward
with an exciting plan for our students in kindergarten through grade three.
For the 2020/2021 school year, our teachers in Kindergarten through Grade three will
be using a digital portfolio program called SeeSaw. This program allows us to regularly
share pictures, videos, voice recordings, and assessments with our families. Furthermore,
it allows for parents to see the feedback that teachers are sharing with the students.
Instead of a snapshot of your child’s learning every four months, which we traditionally
received with a “report card”, Seesaw will provide an ongoing window into the
progress your child is making at school. In addition to the assessment and reporting
benefits we will see using SeeSaw, there are some real strengths that can be utilized in
case students need to transition to home learning for any amount of time due to illness
or school shutdowns.
Moving forward this year, in regards to ongoing assessment and reporting, families will
receive the following:
● Ongoing academic assessment through SeeSaw digital platform
● Virtual parent / teacher conferences (more info to come later)
● Two learner profiles (November/March) highlighting comments on skills and
attitudes in class. This is usually referred to responsible learner skills
● Final Year End report card summarizing the school year
So while this means that students in K-3 won’t receive the traditional report cards at the
same time as our students in grades 4-6 , we will share a report with comments on the
responsible learner skills and attitudes in the classroom and in relation to their learning.
Communication with information on how to sign up and use SeeSaw will be coming to
you from your classroom teachers. It is very important that you sign up to receive this
ongoing feedback. If you have any questions, or need any assistance, please do not
hesitate to contact me or your classroom teacher.
Mr. Latta