Start of Year Open House

Beginning of Year Open House
We have received approval and will be hosting a beginning of the year open house on Friday August 28. This will be an opportunity for families to come into the school, find out what classes their children are in, and drop off school supplies. We will need to adhere to the following guidelines.
Families must arrive during the following schedule:
Last Names A - G 9:00 - 9:45
Last Names H - M 10:00 - 10:45
Last Names N - S 11:00 - 11:45
Last Names T - Z 12:00 - 12:45
If you are unable to come during your assigned time, please contact the office to make alternate arrangements or to receive your classroom assignments over the phone. Class lists should be finalized by Thursday Aug 27. Please be respectful of the process and do not come during another time as we are trying to maintain a balance between meeting guidelines and providing opportunities for families to visit our building.
Understandably, given the current circumstances, we will need to follow a few guidelines..
- Anyone coming into the building will be required to wear a mask.
- Sanitize upon entering and exiting.
- Follow current physical distancing guidelines and protocols
- Stay only as long as is needed to find your classroom, drop off any school supplies, and check in with your new teachers. Please do not seek out last year’s teachers at this time. We need to be respectful of all families as we attempt to make an open house work!
We look forward to seeing you soon!