Welcome Back

Welcome back to another amazing year at West Meadow Elementary School.
A few important informational items
In order to get class updates you will need to sign up to the classes you wish to be part of. Choose classes at the bottom of the app. Then choose the gear in the top right corner. This should lead you to a list of all our homeroom classes. The same process applies for athletics, choir and all our other groups. Here is the link to the directions online. https://wmes.appazur.com/help/flyer
School bell times have changed slightly. The morning bell to welcome students into the building rings at 8:25am with dismissal being at 3:30. Friday dismissal is still 1:15. Our bell times (including lunch and recess can be found here)
Breakfast program starts on the 2nd day of school and is now located on the south side of the building. It is available for all students and includes a variety of healthy choices meant to supplement our students nutrition and help them start their day. It can be picked up from 8:15 - 8:25 every morning
Hot lunches will begin in October. These will once again be available to order on healthyhunger.ca Please stay tuned to our app for upcoming menus
The school calendar can be found here WMES 2023/24 School Calendar
- A great place to stay up to date on upcoming events is in the calendar which can be found on the school app. be sure to check there frequently as you plan you weeks and months ahead.
We hope you had a great summer and we look forward to another great year of learning together.
School Supply Lists for the 2023/2024 School Year