WMES School Re-Entry Message from Admin

Dear WMES Families,
We are very excited to have the students back at school and resume in-class learning again this fall! Over the past week we have been in many conversations with our families on the upcoming return. We understand everyone has concerns, and we understand the anxiety that many have with coming back to school. We have listened to many people and will continue to talk to parents in the upcoming days and weeks ahead.
Please know that West Meadow Elementary is working through the Alberta guidelines and developing a plan that will be great for all of our students, families and staff. With the changing landscape, and the desire to have meaningful conversations with families and staff, we will have that plan finalized and ready to share before the end of August. We are striving to maintain a balance between mitigating the risks of schooling during a pandemic with the necessity of providing an enjoyable, meaningful and effective educational experience for all of our students. Not necessarily an easy task, but one that our team will work hard at getting right.
You can access the general LRSD guidelines and other general on the school division webpage at but you can also expect a document that will outline the following protocols specific to WMES:
- First day of school procedures
- Staggered drop off and pick up times
- Student safety measures (ex. masks, cleanliness, distancing, cohorts, illness response)
- Staggered eating and recess times
- Parent meetings and communication
- Communication in relation to your child’s teacher/classroom for the upcoming school year
Over the past week we have been in contact with the majority of our families, and have worked hard to answer questions and support their decision making process. We will continue to do so moving forward. Each decision is very personal, and we will continue to help find the best fit for each family. As we currently aren’t in the school office, please contact Dana or myself directly through email or our school app.
We appreciate the support you’ve shown our school during this challenging time and look forward to working in partnership as we take care of our student population.
All the best throughout the remainder of the summer.
Sean Latta, Principal
Dana Burrows, Assistant Principal